Friday, March 2, 2012

Shahadah (first pillar of Islam)

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful

First pillar of Islam is Shahadah

firs part of shahadah is tauheed(believe in one God)


1)Tauheed (Arabic: توحيد tawḥīd "doctrine of Oneness [of God]"; also transcribe Tawheed and Tauheed) is the concept of monotheism in Islam. It holds God (Arabic: Allah) is one (wāḥid) and unique (ahad).
2)The belief in the unquestioning uniqueness of Allah, His attributes and His actions, with no contender or associates. In short, this is the very fundamental concept of Islam.
God's concept of oneness in different religious books

we can know about oneness of God in below video

                 Surah Ikhlas
Al Quran(112)
1. (O Esteemed Messenger!) Proclaim: ‘He is Allah, Who is the One.
2. Allah is the Transcendent of all, the Protector and Far-Superior to all.
3. He has not begotten any nor is He begotten.
4. Nor is there anyone equal to Him.’

Second part of Shahadah
  Muhammad(PBUH) is prophet of Allah almighty and his slave

Chapter 9:128   
Surely, a Messenger has come unto you from among yourselves; grievous to him is that you should fall into trouble; he is ardently desirous of yourwelfare; and to the believers he is compassionate, merciful.

Chapter 21:108
And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all peoples.
Chapter 33:22
Verily you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent model, for him who fears Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah much.
Chapter 33:41
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of ALLAH, and the seal of the Prophets and ALLAH has full knowledge of all things.
Chapter 33:46
O Prophet, truly We have sent thee as a Witness, and a Bearer of glad tidings, and a Warner,
Chapter 33:47
And as a Summoner unto Allah by his command, and as a Lamp that gives bright light.
Chapter 33:57
Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace.
Chapter 48:29
He it is Who has sent His Messenger, with guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.
Chapter 68:05
And thou dost, surely, possess sublime moral excellences.

Muhammad is Last Prophet to know see these videos

no one can become a muslim as well as he does not believe in shahadah

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